Exploration and mining activity can negatively impact the environment in many ways. However, QMSD realize our environmental and social responsibility by imposing mitigation measures that reduce the impact as much as possible.
Our Corporate Policy states that we are committed to industry best practice techniques and guidelines for Environmental and Social Sustainability for determining, assessing and managing the environmental and social risk for all our projects.
Our Core Values encompass the basis of environmental corporate responsibility by improving performance, enhancing transparency and of course protecting our environment with the aim of minimizing our impact on the environment where ever we work.
At QMSD we believe this is the future of mining and actively engage with our stakeholders and public to ensure that our environmental responsibility is achieved.
In line with our Corporate Policy which follows global and industry standards our employees work according to environmental plans and management systems which define how to mitigate, manage or eliminate environmental risk.
Quite simply, Safety is our top priority at QMSD. We believe every employee should be able to carry out their duties in a safe environment and we adopt a zero-tolerance policy when risk from injury is a concern. This also applies to the general public and our working partners who are given the same respect.
We believe it is everyone’s right to leave the workplace and return home to their families in the same healthy state as when they arrived to do their work.
We aim to provide a safe workplace without fatalities, injuries or occupational diseases which we believe is essential for the long term well being of our people.
We do this by having a strong team providing leadership and guidance that helps create a strong safety culture within our company.
We encourage our employees to be outspoken such that they should not feel compelled to carry out a task if they feel it is unsafe or to speak up if they see someone else doing a task in an unsafe manner. This empowerment is actively encouraged to build a Culture of Safety.
We educate our staff to recognize potential hazards through regular toolbox talks and we carry out shop floor audits to monitor and review how safety can be improved.
We operate a zero harm policy and manage, monitor and educate to ensure this is achieved.