Al Bashoom (Au)

The Al Bashoom prospect is located approximately 45 km to the southwest of the Jebel Ohier project area, within the Block 62b license area. Al Bashoom is the center of significant artisanal workings, and represents the highest priority, stand alone, gold target defined by QMSD. As such it is also the principal exploration target in Block 62b.
Based on limited assessments, the deposit is characterized by a spaced array of N-S trending sheeted and up to 25m long and near vertically dipping quartz veins in a hydrothermally altered diorite. The intrusion has been, at least in part, caught up in a regional NW-SE shear zone, with the sheeted vein arrays occupying zones of en-echelon dilation. The veins have narrow epidote-carbonate-chlorite alteration selvages and comprise massive to banded quartz with black-chlorite domains. The entire system (as currently exposed) appears to extend for at least about 600 by 400m, with ongoing artisanal activity demonstrating that mineralization continues and remains open on all sides.
Sampling of wallrock material from some of the more extensive artisanal pits by QMSD shows these are gold mineralised. The artisanal workings cover a sufficiently large area to host a conceptual >0.5 Moz Au (15 ton) Exploration Target (800 m x 800 m x 50 m @ 0.5 g/t Au). This is a conceptual exploration target and is not derived from a formal mineral resource estimate or feasibility study. This would be an open pit target which could be amenable to heap leach processing.
During late July and early August 2016 a rock chip sampling program was completed at AI Bashoom. A total of 127 rock chip samples were collected. These were shipped to ALS in Romania in December 2016 and the results were received during June 2017. A total of 113 samples returned gold grades of greater than 0.1 g/t Au, with 46 of these returning grades over 1.0 g/t Au (maximum 80.6 g/t Au). The average gold grade for all 127 samples was 2.4 g/t Au. These results clearly confirm the enormous exploration upside potential of Al Bashoom.